About us

Dear User welcome to DJMaza.Com.co, we are an online music database with quick update service. Our target is to provide good quality music to our users. All songs are updated by a user sent via mail/dropbox. Our main work is to make remix music and provide remix songs for DJ mix and party remix.

Why DJMaza

DJMaza is the most reliable site for mobile phones to stream, download songs 2022 & read lyrics. We give you access to millions of High-Quality songs at 320kbps. Enjoy the music you love, save your melody and play it. Our team aims to provide a fast update, 99.99% uptime speed, and easy to access without any pop-ups.

DJMaza Team

We proudly announce that we have a small team to manage all things on this website. All work is going well work from home due to covid restrictions. but everyone from our team is an expert in his/her field.

Our studio located in 3B2Mohali (Panjab). We Started our Studio during pandemic and now we remix more than 1500 songs.

If anyone want to remix song or update on our site CONTACT US or email us @[email protected]

office Location

SEO 102, 5th Floor - Near Western Union

Main Market 3B2 Mohali

Mohali (Punjab) 160052